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When life falls apart, where is God? Does he care? Can he fix things? Does he really love us? In an uncertain world, we need to know that God is still in control, that he still cares for us and even suffers with us, and that he has a plan that cannot be defeated. In his compassionate and caring style, Warren Wiersbe shows you that the answers to these big questions are available, reliable, and...

1. Our answers to the problem of suffering must have intellectual integrity. We are made in the image of God, and this means we must think. We must ask the right questions if we hope to get the right answers. This means we must all become philosophers and question our questions. We can’t avoid this, because the minute you try to answer a question about life, you become a philosopher. 2. People live by promises, not by explanations. This is the balance to number one. Nobody can fully answer all the
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